
Posts mit dem Label "South Island" werden angezeigt.

24. blog entry: Highlight South Island 3

heyya, here the last part of my south island trip. I'll probably write a short summary about the trip later on for those who are too lazy for long blog entries ;). The next morning started with a hiking trip after breakfast. We walked to the base of the Fox Glacier. It was fun, even tho it was really rainy but you must be really lucky to catch a good day without rain on the beautiful west coast. Afterwards, we headed to Wanaka with a stop at Puzzling world. Before we had yummy Nachos for dinner, I went with some other people to the lake. We had for about one hour a lot of fun on stand up paddle boards. Fox Glacier The next two days were just really amazing and unforgettable because we went on an overnight boat trip! We had a lot of fun on the Doubtful Sound (Fiordland), and amazing food :). We enjoyed our life on the boat, inside, outside, one a kayak, and even tho the beds were really small, they were cosy. By the way, we bought the best kiwi-fruits on e...

23. blog entry: Highlight South Island 2

Heyya, that's now already my second entry about my South Island trip and I think if you're interested in my whole trip you have to wait for another blog entry... Sorry :) We had some time in Christchurch the next day. Christchurch is the largest city in the south Island. And because of the big earthquakes (2010-2011) they still have to rebuild this city. Anyway after we had lunch we drove north to Kaikoura, where we went to a really nice beach... We had a very relaxed evening afterwards... Hot pool, music and hangi (traditional Maori meal → cooking under the earth). I woke up early the next morning to see the sunrise and it was worth it... It was really cold in the morning but we've seen the sun coming up behind the see and besides, we had snow covered mountains... After breakfast, some people went on a boat trip ( swimming with dolphins, whale watching etc.), and the rest of us went to a seal colony, including me. I think the people on the boat trip had a lot of...

Einundzwanzigster Blogeintrag: Highlight Südinsel

Highlights Südinsel: Vom 30.09 bis zum 10.09 habe ich meine Ferien auf der Südinsel verbracht. Nach langem planen hatte ich mich für die Organisation NZET entschieden, denn hier war das Preisleistungsverhältnis gut. Hierzu muss man sagen, dass eine Südinselrundreise mit einer Organisation generell sehr teuer ist, aber da ich noch nicht 18 bin, durfte ich nicht alleine reisen. Das war aber auch sehr gut, weshalb werdet ihr im folgenden Blogeintrag erfahren. Ich werde diesen Blogeintrag übrigens in mehrer Teile aufteilen, da wirklich so viel passiert ist und es zu viel für einen Blogeintrag wäre. Wie alles begann: Mein Flug von kerikeri startete schon um 9.45 Uhr. Nach ca. 1h Flug musste ich 5 1/2 h in Auckland warten, bis ich mit einer Verspätung in Christchurch endlich ankam. Dort warteten schon alle in einem Reisebus am Flughafen. Alle waren etwas genervt von mir, da ich die Letzte war und alle auf mich warten mussten. Als wir dann endlich bei unserer Unterkunft ankamen, lern...