25. blog entry: One year, or 6 months?

Heyya, today I'm going to write a bit about the advantages and disadvantages of a year abroad, or half a year? First of all, I have chosen a year because obviously, your English is much better after one year, than after half a year. The other reason was that a lot of people told me that you start feeling like home after 6 months. If you have to leave after 2 Terms ( 6 months), it feels like being ripped out, and you might have the feeling that you haven't experienced everything. But how was it for me? Was half a year enough? Definitely NOT! Why? Because my first half was so different, compared to how my second half is. My life changed a lot in New Zealand after half a year. Why is that? Probably the biggest change was that I changed host families. ( I may explain it to you in another entry why I changed families, and how my new family is.) Another reason is that I live now in town because of my change, and everything is a bit easier to reach. Also, a...